Monday, October 18, 2010


The new week begins with lots and lots of promise. Believe it or not, we have hundreds upon hundreds of clothes waiting for collection. This is mostly from friends and well-wishers whom we have talked to. Had an excellent time talking to people about it here and the response is overwhelming. My take, people are willing and ready to help, provided there is a system and structure for it.
One of the most amazing stories is a lady called Judy. She lives in Madiwa, Eastleigh Section 3, and she has had clothes for over 1 year to give away. She just didn’t know how, and when she heard, there was a PHEW of relief. But the amazing thing is that she promised to talk to her colleagues who work with her in the same ministry of the government.
So this is the plan for this week:
1.       Monday: Keep the stories going, push as hard to go live online and whole buy in the concept and idea, and work out a volunteers plan.
2.       Tuesday: meet with a few guys in the centre and core. Particularly to work on volunteerism and how to do it. Get ideas and plan.
3.       Wednesday is Kenyatta Day, and all I will do is just chill and relax, after we were played with Moi day. Maybe sleep in a bit. Then meet the Rudolf’s Crew. They know themselves.
4.       Thursday: Get reviews from the usual suspects, and all the help we can get. Also find out what ends need to be tied, and then meet for the Harvest Fare.
5.       Friday: Will visit a Go Down to see if we can get it for storage and cleaning.
Above all, we hope to send 500 short messages and 500 concept proposals to churches, individuals and companies, and talk to over 100 people about it. We are very optimistic we shall get over 10,000 in donated items pledged or given already by 5:00pm Friday evening. Let's make it happen.
So please send us a volunteer, spread the word or send us some clothes, shoes, blankets or whatever you can give. Cool?
Have a blessed week. Talk to you in the evening.

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